Street View Page on Italy

Google Street View is available through Google Maps and Google Earth and provides panoramic views along many streets in the world. It was started in 2007 in the United States and has since expanded to include a large number of countries. Some countries have objected to this form of data gathering and have not allowed Google to take the imagery, Germany being the main hold-out. Available Street View imagery available is shown as blue lines on Google Maps once the so-called pegman has been activated. Images are most often taken by car but a variety of other modes of transport have been used. Once captured, the images are subsequently stitched together. In some areas, Street View images are augmented by privately-done photospheres.


1.     Street View screen captures

o    First StreetView of the Colosseum

o    Second StreetView of the Pantheon

o    Third StreetView of St. Mark’s Basilica

2.     Links to Street View panoramas

o    Link to Colosseum panorama

o    Link to Pantheon panorama

o    Link to St. Mark’s Basilica panorma

3.     TripGeo Street View Animations

o    Route from x to y

o    Route from y to z

o    Route from z to x

4.     Moore's Where to Invade Next

o    The value of travel

1 Street View Screen Captures


The Roman Colosseum is a major tourist attraction in Rome.  It is thought that over 500,000 people lost their lives and over a million wild animals were killed throughout the duration of the Colosseum.  At its height, it could hold up to 50,000 spectators and had 80 entrances. 



The Pantheon has been the architectural inspiration for buildings across the world.  This list includes: the US Capitol Building, the Pantheon in Paris, Santa Maria del fiore in Florence and the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C.  The one pictured, that stands today, is actually the third Pantheon to be built.  The first two Pantheons burned down in fires



St. Mark’s Basilica stands as one of the most visited tourist destinations in Venice.  It is named for St. Mark the Evangelist, one of the four Apostles of Jesus.  His body was stored here and actually stolen during the 9th century.  The story then goes on to say that the graverobbers went on to almost die at sea while they were transporting his body, but he appeared to the captain and led them to safety.  The story of this ordeal can now be found on part of the ceiling in the form of a mosaic.  There is a total of more than 85,000 square feet of mosaic in St. Mark’s Basilica


2 Links to Street View Panoramas

Roman Colosseum


St. Mark’s Basilica


3 TripGeo Streetview Player

The TripGeo Streetview Player tool stitches Google's panoramic street view data into an animation. In the dialog, you can enter the start and end location of your trip. When you click Preview, the route is marked on a map and the StreetView images will start playing. You can control the method of travel, the pace of the timelapse, and the distance between StreetView images.


Streetview animation to the Colosseum





Streetview animation to the Pantheon





Streetview animation to St. Mark’s Basilica (by boat since it’s Venice)




4 Moore's Where to Invade Next

Moore's documentary is politically polarizing. Conservative columnists, such as Armon White, are sharply critical of the movie. First, comment on the validity of White's negative review. Then, putting aside politics, what can the movie show us about the value of travel in understanding our own country.

Armon White is understandably upset with Moore’s Where to Invade Next.  He brings up a good point about the current state of political humor being in shambles.  Watching any late-night television, it’s easy to hear the same jokes over and over.  They’re beating a dead horse and it is pretty much targeted toward one political party’s ideologies.  I think White is mostly upset with Moore’s pessimistic views of America and his extremely negative attitude towards it.  He also chooses to ignore certain aspects from his story that would contradict what he would like the narrative to be.

This movie does bring up some important topics when it comes to travelling as an American.  You have to realize that some people are going to dislike you just because you are an American, so it’s probably unwise to travel around covered head to toe in American flag clothing.  It may also bring to light how other countries are politically different from America.  Their laws are going to be something that you should study and know before visiting.

Submitted by Dan Pavlik on 4/7/19.